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slow NBN50 last few years 32-28 FTTN

Level 2



for few years since they aparently fixed our NBN line when we had big storms our nbn speeds been avg 32-28Mbs instead of over 45 like we always used to get....   


every time someone rings support to solve the issue nothing actually gets done this week our router fried after we got new one last year.


while waiting on replacement i borrowed brothers spare one we got avg 38 and almost no latency but phone was not working.  ended up getting the replacement TPG one now and have phone connected we getting 34-35  we did mention this last tuesday they said ok we will send you settings to use that will make sure you get full speeds...   


all it was is the ports primary and secondary you know the standard stuff didnt actually make it faster......


look as someone who does buisness at home and gaming while kids and others also using net it can be annoying so unless something gets solved we might move to another provider..... 


i came here to finally maybe get someone to listen and actually look into this issue for us maybe could be corroded copper line like the NBN guy once said when he was here 3 years a go.


can anyone help us with this? thanks.




Hi @poida024 . Check the router DSL stats to see what link speed is being used on the phone line and link errors.

Check Bandwidth Control/QoS. If it is enabled, is there a value for upstream bandwidth? Downstream bandwidth should be empty.

 Is the speedtest done on ethernet computer or wifi device?


We're keen to help get your speeds up, @poida024. Send us through a private message and we'll take a closer look.

Level 2

status shows 22000 Upstream and 38800 downstream no errors 


i am using PC with ethernet connected to router to do the tests. 


No Bandwith controls or QoS on this router which is a TP LINK VX420-G2h



Level 2

Hi i sent the related info in PM got no reply? anyone else able to help?