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Landline outage and very slow internet

Level 2

I am in East Lindfield NSW.  Have not had any landline since about noon Sun 9 Feb 2020, and resultant Internet (ADSL2+) is extremely slow to often non-existent (Speedtest showing  about 1 Mbps download and 0.1 upload, compared to normal 5+ down/0.9 up ... if any at all). TPG service site claims no reports of any outage.

Not applicable

Hi @mike7648,


We're sad to know that you're having issue with the service. We're able to locate an account using your community details and ran an initial test. The result shows a possible line fault causing slow connection and phone issue with the service.


We chased this to our Engineering Team and requested urgent case handling. Expect an update within 24-48hrs via SMS or Phone call. We apologise for any inconvenience.



Level 2

Thanks Shane, but messages are confusing. SMS last night said “Telstra have booked a technician to check the service anytime between now and 25 Feb” (not a satisfactory timescale though!). At 16:07 today received an SMS (but which I only just saw) saying the service “appears to be working normally” then at 16:53 your SMS noted that there was a possible line fault for which I could expect an update within 24~48 hours via SMS or phone call.  Bottom line though is that the service is definitely not working, with no phone dial tone  and phone displaying “check tel line”.  Trust the issue is still alive, and not closed as the 16:07 SMS seems to suggest?

Thank you.


Not applicable

We have identified that the issue is with the network controlled by Telstra. This unfortunately means only Telstra technicians have the authority to fix this fault.


Our Engineering Team escalated this to Telstra and advised that they have booked a technician to check your TPG service anytime between now and 25/Feb/2020. Your attendance is NOT required.


Unfortunately, due to similar issues in the area, Telstra technicians are experiencing overwhelmingly high workloads and tech response times are longer than normal. We are escalating your case to Telstra to fast track your resolution time. We understand what your service means to you and apologise for the inconvenience.