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AX1500 (VX220-G2v v2.0) User manual

Not applicable

Hi @adslb7e8 ,


You may check the original manual here to set your expectation, some features of the modem are not available as we optimised the firmware of our supplied modem to complement to our network.




Unbelievable, I got my new VX220 and there was no manual whatsoever. .. just a poststamp size GPL notice.

I have no idea what the WiFi button does and no manual can be found on TP-LINK.



@Anonymous . I didn't find any manual there. There is the advertising blurb and specifications. Clicking the Support link takes you to Download page which is where you normally find manuals for TP-Link products. For the VX220, there is only a FAQ and GPL code. Probably because it is a special "service provider" model, TP-Link left it to the ISP to provide the manual when they customised the firmware. The only relevant manual is for VR1600, with its original features, not all of which still exist. It can be used for theory as to how settings work generally, or get the manual for the better models, or better brands.



Level 2

Having NOTHING, no manual, no info to go by is bad.

Top of the VX220 are 2 buttons. I worked out that perhaps pressing WPS button will initiate pairing. Still to be tested - did not work with a IOS camera but that's not unusual.

There is also a wi-fi button. What happens if I press it?????

I wasted 2 hours to connect the modem since I didn;t even have the usual startup guide. Modem came fast, 1 day only, but had absolutely no info with it. 

Had to work out the modem logs on to my newly created usercode for which I did not have a pwd, so I used my mobile data to get to TPG and set up a password ... since the activation happened overnight, I woke up with no internet on the computers. I had to work out how to get to the modem by trial and error - was prepared for the other modem TPG send out where you just have the admin admin login !

TPG connection works well that part is OK but customer service is bad, very bad, almost worse than Telstra or Foxtel...

This is ABYSMAL Customer service

Plus I got a new email address but it;s NOT ROUTABLE ! believe it or not.

I know TPG are getting rid of the email services, been with them for 25 years but ... why create a new usercode/email address if it doesn't exist..?