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Archer VR1600V modem setup for TPG ADSL2+

Not applicable

Hi @hercule1, if you are using your own modem in connecting to your ADSL service and the modem has been reset, you will need to manually configure the settings for it to connect to our server again.


Should you need further assistance, feel free to PM us your TPG customer ID, username and complete address together with the make/model of the modem. Thank you.

Level 2

Hi. can u track down if you could fix my problem remotely on this address? (Edited)


Hi @hercule1,


We've edited your post with your home address as it may compromise your security.


We checked the account and was not able to detect any issues with your service. Your ADSL2+ connection is running within specification and the modem is getting the internet.


Since you've reset the modem, the settings  saved on it has gone back to default.


If you are unable to connect to the WiFi network of the modem, then you need to use the default password that is on the modem. We've created an article that you may use as a guide. Check this link.



Level 2
no need to reconfigure modem anymore?

Hi @hercule1,


The modem automatically reconnected itself to the server.


If you personalise the WiFi network before, then that's the only thing you need to do again since it's gone back to default.

