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Arris CM8200 power cycle no internet

Level 2
My HFC connection suddenly stopped working this evening.
NBN modem (Arris CM8200) just keeps boot looping, power light is on, the downstream light continuously flashes, then all lights flash blue for a sec and it all repeats. Been happening for like 4 hours. NBN and TPG both say no outages. Kinda just hoping it fixes overnight, turning off and on hasn't worked, all connections are good, cables flat. Anyone had this problem???
Not applicable


Welcome to the community!

Sad to learn that you're having issues with the connection. Based on the given information it is a potential faulty NBN/Arris Box. We'd love to help check the status of the connection, to better understand the situation. Please drop me a Private Message with your account details (Username/Customer ID together with the address on file).


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My HFC connection suddenly stopped working this evening.
NBN modem (Arris CM8200) just keeps boot looping, power light is on, the downstream light continuously flashes, then all lights flash blue for a sec and it all repeats. Been happening for like 4 hours. NBN and TPG both say no outages. Kinda just hoping it fixes overnight, turning off and on hasn't worked, all connections are good, cables flat. Anyone had this problem???