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Bridge Mode Port Forwarding

Level 2

Hi. I have the very old netcomm NF12 which from what I understand does not have the ability to be set to bridge mode. But I believe that I maybe able to get around this with port forwarding. I am kind of comfortable in configuring this, but am a little unsure about which port/s would need to be forwarded. 


Hi @rhino4579 . The NF12 only has an ethernet wan port so there is no point to bridging it if you intend to connect another router to it. Just connect the other router to the nbn box.

For normal internet access, no port forwarding is needed. You start all connections outbound. It is only if you run a server that accepts connections from the internet.

Level 2

I kinda tried that before with no luck, There was also few forum posts that said the UDM couldnot directly connect to Australian NBN boxes. I changed the wan connection over from the NF12 to the dream machine and waited a while (no reboot) and nothing so changed it back, I gues now that you have mentioned it should work a reboot would be worth a try. 

Essentailly I am trying to use the VPN feature of the UDM but my WAN IP on the UDM is the DHCP address assigned by the NF12 which wont work because it isnt routable. 


@rhino4579 . On NF12, allocate a static ip to the UDM. Setup a port forward rule: external port and internal port is the port number used by the vpn server on UDM; internal ip is the static ip of UDM. The vpn server is accessed by the public wan ip address and port number. Set up Dynamic DNS to allow you to access vpn server using a name rather than ip address.

Regarding connecting UDM to NBN box, does UDM support PPPoE and VLAN ID? This should be sufficient for direct connection to NBN box.

Have you looked at the NF12 manual? There is an option for WAN service type of Bridging. You'll need to experiment. NF12 does VLAN ID so UDM won't need to.

If UDM can't do VLAN ID, consider replacing the NF12 with a smart switch which can create a tagged VLAN between NBN box and UDM.

Level 2

Ok thanks, that provides a few options to try, there are a few articles saying that I cant use the UDM as a modem for TPG service, ( So I might skip that option. 


I have already tried the port forwarding using ports that the UDM VPN service using only difference from your description is that I havent set it up as a static, ie the UDM address is dhcp assigned but it it the only host on that network. 


I have looked at the NF12 manual and it only has options for wireless bridging which I understood to be a different feature.


The UDM does support VLAN ID, and I can create a new WAN connection on the NF12 not real sure how to set this up though, is it a specific vlan id for both UDM and NF12 (from TPG). I am unable to edit the vlan field on the existing wan connection on the nf12


@rhino4579 . Regarding NF12 bridging, look at P18 in manual. Options are PPPoE, IPoE, and Bridging. This is where VLAN ID and Priority is set. (This is different from wireless bridging.) 

In bridged mode, all router functions should be disabled. PPPoE, DHCP, NAT, forwarding, etc done by UDM.


Regarding UDM, it must have the later firmware that does VLAN.

For direct connection to NBN box, settings are PPPoE, username + and password. VLAN ID=2 and Priority=0. For comparison, you should see these settings in the NF12 when it is operating normally.

Level 2

Ok, so I tried the bridging setup and rebooted both devices, and UDM lost external connection. 

One question I have with that is on the NF12 are both WAN service connections still required or does one replace the other. Even though it didnt work I think I want to try it again. 


As for the direct connection I will have another play with that also when I get some time, I think that I may need to factory reset the UDM to enter all the ISP details in as I dont seem to be able to edit those details. 




@rhino4579 . On NF12, you may have to delete the existing connection and add a new one. 

As a guess, it will be Layer2 eth0/WAN, Bridging, VLAN ID 2, Priority 0. Manual is not clear on other settings.

Level 2

If I delete the ppoe wan service, I lose all internet. 


Im at a bit of a loss now, the NF12 either doesnt support what im trying to achieve or im completely messing it up. After following what you said below a few times the NF12 accepts it (screenshot attached) but as soon as I set the UDM Default WAN setup to manual (which is required to enter the VLAN ID it loses connection to the outside internet.


@rhino4579 . On NF12, you might have to delete the ppp0.1 interface or it may not know how to operate. The UDM does not use VLAN ID.


I still think it is better to remove NF12 since it doesn't give you anything. The UDM operates in standard mode with the addition of VLAN ID and priority. You will be able to get support from Ubiquity.


Just by the way, what type of NBN connection do you have? In the picture, the pppoe interface is not using vlan id.