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Bridging the Archer VR1600V with a Netgear XR500 on NBN FTTC

Level 2

Hey Guys,


I see that you've answered very similar questions already but I'd just like to clarify a couple of things.


As per the subject matter, I have a Netgear XR500 which I would like to use as my primary router.


Just recentlty I was connected to the NBN network via FTTC and was provided a NBN connection box and an Archer VR1600v  AC1600 by TPG. After reading a few threads I was able to place the VR1600v into what I thought was bridge mode.


It seems to work fine for everything except games. After performing a traceroute, my connection passes through both the VR1600v and the XR500's gateways before reaching my WAN IP address, which is not a true bridged connection.


Is it at all possible to achieve this with FTTC and the VR1600v? or am I able to bring a third party modem into the equation? I see that a few previous suggestions have been to place the XR500 into AP mode or to disable DHCP and use as a repeater however, this was render the routers Operating System useless and would make for a very expensive WiFi extender.


A few friends and family are connected with you guys via NBN HFC and have no issues (whether NAT or speed) with a BYO router.


Please let me know if you have a solution.


Thank you,




Did you get an answer for this?

Level 2

If you want to use the phone service through NBN VOIP, you have to use the Archer as your primary router and the phone connects to it. If not using a phone service, it's fine to use your own router as many people do.

So, on xr500, you could do factory reset if you want, set up the internet connection (PPPoE and your TPG username and password). Other thing is set VLAN ID to 2.

Do you have the xr500 manual? In the one I got from netgear, on page 93, has settings for vlan tag group. I think this is where it goes. Create a name of Internet or edit the one there. Vlan id is 2, priority is 0, attach all lan ports and wifi ports to it. 

You could use the Archer as an extender or as extra ethernet ports.


Level 2

Hi @david64,


Thanks for the response.


No phone is needed so removing the Archer modem/router would be ideal, however, correct me if im wrong but I dont believe the NBN connection device/box supplied for a Fibre to the Curb connection also acts as a modem.


I have tried connecting the XR500 router straight to the NCD out of curiosity but as I suspected, the XR did not detect an internet connection, therefore, after the factory reset, the configuration couldn't even begin.


May I ask, are you connected via FTTC?


Let me know if you have further advice.




I'm on adsl and dreading the move to nbn later in the year.


In the manual, the xr500 is shown in the same position as other routers. Phone cord goes from wall socket to nbn box, ethernet cable goes to yellow port on xr500.

Is the Internet led off or yellow? Yellow means it has detected an ethernet connection to nbn box.

After reset, you should still be able to logon to router. Goto Settings, Seup, Setup wizard. You can let it have a go, or set up the intenet connection yourself.

Level 2

Yeah I just came off ADSL for after 2 years of waiting for the NBN.


I was able to bridge my XR500 perfectly on ADSL with the old TP-link modem/router, even though it was rather pointless with 7-10mbps down speed.


My issue now is acheiving a "true bridge" connection while being connected via a Fibre To The Curb. The NBN connection device is different to FTTB and HFC - which seem to work fine by cutting out the middle man.


Thanks for trying.

