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Cannot Log into Modem Gateway

Level 2

Hi all.


First Post here. Premises has FTTC NBN Connection. My TP-Link Modem Router is not registering the LAN Network, as it may be set to WAN by default on the Modem Router's settings.


I tried to log in to the Modem Router Gateway. I have tried all the passwords that I can think of, including the Modem Router's PIN. No luck.


The Modem Router was connected to a computer via an Ethernet cable. The Modem Router was powered on. No Internet connection.


Please share any ideas.




Hi @jamesvar1


What is the make and model of the modem/router you have?


Usually if it's the TPG provided modem/router and you did not change the login details, then both username and password should be admin.


If you are still not able to login using the said details, then you may factory reset the modem/router, then try again.


Let us know how it goes.

