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Have you set VLAN ID=2 for internet access? Settings menu, Internet, VLAN.
(P53 in manual:
(Don't think this is needed on FTTP connection.)
Priority is 0.
The password is the one that gets you in if you login using mobile data.
Have a look at the Dlink system log. There might be a clue.
Does the previous router still work?
What lights are lit on the NBN box?
If the old router still connects to the internet, you can compare the settings on both. The old one won't need to be connected.
Your pictures didn't show the pppoe or vlanid settings.
Hi Jmarsh. What lights are lit on the NBN box?
Does the TPG supplied router still work?
Settings are PPPoE, username with on end, and password. Username and password for My Account, not Community username and password. Also, VLAN ID =2 if using FTTC/HFC.
What is your nbn connection? Fttp, fttb/fttn? Or hcf or other? With fttp, i think you need to disable "triple play" function on vlan setting.
Hi @aldonkaka6 . If you are on FTTP, or superfast/ultrafast, have a look at the post by rklugton in:
It is for the X5460 but the menu system is the same and may have the same bug.
If you are on one of the other NBN types, this iiNet article shows how to set VLAN ID=2 for the COVR 1102 which uses the Triple Play method as in X1560.
Make IPTV VLAN and VOIP VLAN different numbers (eg. 3 and 4).