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FTTN connection dropouts

Level 2

Recently over the last month or so I have been getting numurous connection dropouts at random times during the day and night , the disconnect only lasts a few minutes . I have posted the modem log below  .

2022-10-18 05:04:22SystemNoticeWAN connection INTERNET_TR069_VOICE_R_VID_2:IPv4 connected.
2022-10-18 05:04:20SystemNoticeDSL connection is activated.
2022-10-18 05:01:44SystemNoticeWAN connection INTERNET_TR069_VOICE_R_VID_2:IPv4 disconnected.(ERROR_NO_CARRIER)
2022-10-18 05:01:44SystemNoticeDSL connection is deactivated .
2022-10-18 05:01:08SystemNoticeWAN connection INTERNET_TR069_VOICE_R_VID_2:IPv4 connected.
2022-10-18 05:01:06SystemNoticeDSL connection is activated.
2022-10-18 04:58:30SystemNoticeWAN connection INTERNET_TR069_VOICE_R_VID_2:IPv4 disconnected.(ERROR_NO_CARRIER)
2022-10-18 04:58:30SystemNoticeDSL connection is deactivated .
2022-10-17 23:03:31SystemNoticeWAN connection INTERNET_TR069_VOICE_R_VID_2:IPv4 connected.
2022-10-17 23:03:29SystemNoticeDSL connection is activated.
2022-10-17 23:00:53SystemNotice

WAN connection INTERNET_TR069_VOICE_R_VID_2:IPv4 disconnected.(ERROR_NO_CARRIER)







Hi @tazzietiger66


What troubleshooting have you tried so far?


Is the modem/router connected directly to the wall socket or you are using a filter/splitter?


Shoot me a PM with your TPG username or customer ID number to check on this further.



Level 2

@BasilDV wrote:

Hi @tazzietiger66


What troubleshooting have you tried so far?


Is the modem/router connected directly to the wall socket or you are using a filter/splitter?


Shoot me a PM with your TPG username or customer ID number to check on this further.



I have tried no trouble shooting so far , I am using no filter or spliter , modem is connected to the wall socket  using a regular phone extension line (rj11)  , , I have noticed that dropouts happen more during wet weather . 


Hi @tazzietiger66


Since the NBN FTTN is using the legacy copper infrastructure, then it is possible that the wet weather affected the service.


Is it still dropping? If you still need some assistance, we'll be waiting for your account details via Private message for us to run some tests.



Level 2

As of 6.11 pm , 19/10/22 , I have not had a drop out for 1 hr and 12 hours , the last day or so has had fine weather with zero rain . I think you could be correct that it is something to do with wet weather afffecting the copper wiring ? 


Thank you, @tazzietiger66.


We've detected a possible fault within the NBN network/line that causes the connection dropouts.

This has been raised to our engineering team for further investigation and update will be provided within 24 to 48 hours via SMS or phone call.

