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HG658 Router Slow WIFI

Level 2
Hello. I have been with TPG for a many years now on NBN with a HG658. Firmware is really old on it.WIFI constantly drops or will not connect out epecially with IOS devices. Can I get a new router please. Regards Gary

Hi @garytootell


We still need to check if a firmware update is available for the make & model of your current modem. 


I've ran a quick test and have detected that your modem is currently detecting a sync speed of 106Mbps from the line which you can confirm when you log in to your modem's user interface. It appears that the problem is getting the result to show up on your devices.


We've created some articles that will help you improve your home Wi-Fi network.


I have also arranged a call back to be made on 02 FEB 2021 (PM) from our Technical Team to assist you in checking for any underlying issues that may be present. 



Should you require further assistance, you may reach out to us again or you may check out our self-help options located here:






Level 2
I don't believe this router is capable of 100mbps via wifi no matter what you do, never will be. If I piggy back a better router off it I can get better speeds. The speed into the property is fine, the HG658 is widely known to be a poor router.
If a customer pays for the Premium service from TPG then the router should be capable of that speed over WIFI, this HG658 has never acheivef anywhere close to 100mbps. Most of the time 30mbps to 50mbps occasionally 60mbps but never 100mbps. Even sat 1 meter away from the router.
Then there are regular drop outs even via Ethernet.
I know TPG now supply a TP Link router which is known to be a better more capable unit.
I'm requesting a better capable router as I pay for TPG's premium service.
If I don't get that and better service I will simply seek a provider that cares about its customers and provides a better router and range extenders if required.
I already use one range extender (my own) to get better coverage but if the router is only achieving certain speeds over wifi sat 1 meter away than nothing is ever going to be better than that. Basically the HG658 acts like a choke limitation the speed over WIFI.
TPG need to do better, the world is changing fast and better providers are coming...... listen to your customers or we will leave!
Not applicable

Hi @garytootell, your issue has been raised to our Technical Team and one of our Senior Technical Specialists will be in touch for further assistance.  If there's a need for us to replace a router, you will be advised. 


Kindly await a call within the day.