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Hi there. I just moved from a residential NBN plan to a Business Plan (and have got email confirmation that this change has been made). How can I now set up the static IP address? I haven't been able to find any information online on how to do this. Thanks!
Hi @phalps ,
Let us help check on how we can setup the static IP. Do you need the designated static IP address of the service? Could you flick me a message with your details?
Hi @phalps . A quick check you can do. Login to router and note the WAN ip address.
Restart the router and see if the WAN ip address is the same.
If same, it's probably all set properly.
If not, try restart again. If it changes again, not set up properly.
For the future, you should find out if there is any consideration should you decide to replace your router.
(Dynamic DNS allows you to track a dynamic WAN ip address using a URL, rather than having to be aware of the ip address.)