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TpLink Deco x20 won't connect to internet

Level 2

I have tried numerous attempts to set up the Mesh network. Is there some other way of connecting to the internet or some secret I am missing?

It always fails to connect at the very last step. I use PPoE, VLAN enabled, 2 and 0. And have tried TPG Custom and use the full in my user name and numerous resets of the x20. I wish to retain the VOIP ability. AC1600v modem on NBN 50 HCF.





Hi @gsm75967 . The voip only works when the TPG supplied router (VR1600) is connected to NBN box directly and is the main router. The Deco can only be connected in access point mode.

Level 2


Thanks david64.

I realise now in my first post I failed to mention that the WAN of the VR1600 was connected directly to my NBN box and I was using a LAN port on the VR1600 via the supplied ethernet cable to the Deco. I knew from looking at other posts that in order to keep VOIP, I had to retain the VR1600. 


I guess my new Deco is now kaput if it needs to be directly connected to the NBN box. My better half insists on having VOIP. 




@gsm75967 . If you want to prove that the Deco works, just unplug the VR1600 and plug in the Deco. You have the right settings. Afterwards, just factory reset to clear the settings. You might be able to sell it, or enquire where you purchased it about return policy.

If you need more wifi coverage at home, the Deco can be cabled to the VR1600. Or use a standard booster/extender.