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VX420-G2v refuses to work with any HDD I plug into it

Level 2

I have FTTB and the VX420-G2v modem. It's the second VX420-G2v modem I've been supplied with (since I changed to G.Fast recently and had a new one sent out).


Every time I plug a HDD into the modem to network share it, the modem seems to crash within 10 minutes (it works briefly), and my internet disconnects.


I have tried both VX420 modems, THREE different HDDs, with multiple file system types.


At what point do we admit this is a known issue or a firmware issue? The only constant, in all of these scenarios, is the modem itself. Multiple HDDs, types of HDDS (powered and portable) and multiple file systems - ALL crash the modem.

Community Manager

Hi @bjames82,


We can raise this with our techs and see what they can do. Can you send me a DM?