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Why on the TPG website does it say I can only use VOIP if using TPG supplied Modem? This is incorrect. I have FTTP

Level 2

I have seen it numerous times on the disclaimers, Critical Information Statements etc that when connecting to FTTP, we must use a TPG issued modem if we want to use the VOIP phone service. However, after doing research (I am yet to have my FTTP activated) I have found this to not be the case as the modem is basically irrelevant because we plug the phone into a seperate port on the NBN box: That being the UNI-V port. I feel this is very misleading and even the NBN techs who I spoke to advised that I can use a modem of my choice...within reason that its FTTP compatible. I believe that as long as the Modem has PPPoE and WAN and can handle the speeds then it is a unfair trade even advise people of this when it is not the case.

Level 2
Level 2


Notification of Product Feature withdrawal: UNI-V, Battery Backup for nbn™ Ethernet (Fibre)


This is a written notice given by nbn under clause 1I.5 of nbn’s Special Access Undertaking (SAU),

and clause F4.6 in the Head Terms of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement (WBA), of its intention

to withdraw the User Network Interface-Voice (UNI-V) Product Feature and the Battery Backup Service

Product Feature for nbn™ Ethernet (Fibre) on 31 January 2031.

The Continued Ordering Period associated with the withdrawal of UNI-V and Battery Backup will be

12 months from the date of this notice, being until 26 May 2024.


Level 2

Im not sure what you are getting at? I am talking about now, not 2031 when Voice will be removed from NBN and will therefore have to be utilised via router. I am talking about now - currently TPG say Voice only available with a TPG issued modem on FTTB but this is not the case as we can use UNI-V port on the NBN box. I have TPG bundle with voice and Modem with phone ports. So ill be able to utilise it either way...but not with a TPG issued modem.


@WFH-SORTED . Hmmm. I wonder when TPG was going to inform its users about this?

After 26/5/2024, you won't be able to order FTTP with UNI-V (or battery but who cares). For existing FTTP users, NBNCo will supply replacement UNI-V units to cover breakages until 31/1/2031. After that, NBNCo might disable the VOIP function carried by FTTP infrastructure.

One scenario: After 26/5/2024, new FTTP users who want a VOIP phone will need a TPG provided router with the modified VOIP firmware for their VOIP server. Existing FTTP users on Data only plan or without VOIP phone or who don't care if it doesn't work will probably continue unchanged past 2031. Existing FTTP users who need VOIP phone will need to convert to TPG router before 2031. Users with non-TPG router may need to replace them by 2031 anyhow. The TPG-supplied routers may actually be decent quality.