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Wifi won't turn off

Level 2

Hi, why can i still connect to the wifi when I have turned it off. Either by pushing the button on top of the modem or through the settings. All device can still see the SSID and connect to the wifi. Modem is TP link archer.

Thanks Michael


Hi Michael.

When you press the button or use the settings to turn off wifi, what happens to the Wifi/2.4G/5G lights on the router?

If you turn the router off, do the SSIDs disappear? (Ip address will change doing this.)

When back on, does it work properly?

Level 2

Hi The lights turn off when I press the buttons, and also via the settings. If i turn off the modem the SSID is still visible on my devices, unless I refresh or try to connect to it. The reason I want to turn wifi off is to bump the kids off the network


Hi Michael. If the SSID is still shown on the device when the router is turned off, that's the fault of the device. It should scan periodically and show the SSIDs actually active. You can apparently do a manual refresh and SSID disappears.

If you press the button to turn wifi off and the light goes off, even though the SSID is still shown on the device, does the wifi work on the kids' devices?