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Wireless extension from VR1600v router

Level 2
Level 2

Now I have "Device has been added successfully!" on VR1600v. Still get "no interent access" on ex6110.


If no one has a suggestion, I'll do a factory reset on ex6110 and start over.


Hi vp. I presume your devices can get internet when connected to vr1600.

This could be a dhcp/ip address problem.

What address does the vr1600 give to the ex6110?  When you connect to the ex6110 network, does the device get an ip address?  If you have a wifi laptop, you can use the

Ipconfig /all

command to get detailed connection details.  Do the command with the laptop connected to the vr1600 network, then connected to the ex6110.

What are the dhcp and ip pool settings on vr1600?

Are there corresponding settings on ex6110?  Try dhcp off here.