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what causes the public IP of the Archer VR1600v to change ?

Level 2

Understanding that i cannot have a static IP on a residential plan. I'm looking for a definitive list of what would cause the public IP address of my modem/router to change ?. I have NBN FTTN


Btw, i have monitored it at fairly regualr intervals over ~24 hours and not seen it change yet. Hence am thinking, aside of a modem restart, that there must be some triggers in the NBN and/or TPG network which could trigger it.



Hi @goodallp ,


A Dynamic IP address may change whenever your connection restarts; technically every 24 hours or multiple times in a day. 




@goodallp wrote:

Understanding that i cannot have a static IP on a residential plan. I'm looking for a definitive list of what would cause the public IP address of my modem/router to change ?. I have NBN FTTN


Btw, i have monitored it at fairly regualr intervals over ~24 hours and not seen it change yet. Hence am thinking, aside of a modem restart, that there must be some triggers in the NBN and/or TPG network which could trigger it.




@Shane . The public ip address will change when the NBN box/router restarts (router hang or blackout), as user said. Or, if a line fault causes the connection to drop, or maintenance at the node (might affect whole node or part of the node), or some fault in the connection from NBN to TPG, or even a TPG server. 

It shouldn't be happening several times a day nor even every 24 hours. With a reliable connection, you should be able to go for weeks without a change.

@goodallp .