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Connecting NBN to the home from Street

Level 2

We found the connection from the street, but it is coaxial cable not fibre or CAT6 - Who should come in to install a line from the street to our house?


We have no internet, and currently no way of contacting TPG to get this resolved.



Whereabouts in your house have you found this co-axial cable from the street?

Your house might be serviced by HFC.

On TPG's home page (just below the picture), you can check what NBN connection is available at your address. Just start typing your address in the text box. It might not be HFC. Anyone can do this on your behalf.


Level 2

We found it in the Telstra box at the side of the house - it is pre-nbn.


We never had nbn co. visit our house


There is no cat 5/6 (or other) or fibre or HFC connecting the house.


We need someone to connect from the street to the house, however EVERYONE I talk to assumes it's been done without listening to what I am saying.


We're using 4G hotspots to access the internet - not good in the current environment!



You still need to check your address. Some connection methods don't require NBN to come to your house.

Level 2

Yeah, na - cabled enough places to know what we're missing, and, yes I've checked the addess - the NBN is out on the street but not connected to the house.


What would be really helpful is for TPG to stop leaving me on hold for three hours and have a simple direct method to contact them!


I've even tried calling the sales line as these calls always get answered, but to no avail - they kick you off, then hang-up.


To me its' looking like time for the Ombudsman - so sick of spending hours on the phone and getting nowhere!