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NBN Box Missing in Rental House

Level 2

I've recently moved house and wanted to transfer my NBN Service once moved in, it seems that the last tenants have taken the connection box with them. It is a critical issue in the current climate with my work requiring me to be able to access my systems from home 24 hours a day due to the Covid-19 situation.


I've tried emailing, calling and using the live chat support for everyday for the last week and i've not been able to get in touch with anyone.


Can someone please help me out asap


Hi myoung13,

Sorry to hear  about missing NBN Box at new place, I suggest first to ask property agent if he can get from previous tennant because most of all time previous occupant taking with them when they  moved. If you get from previous occupant  which make your activation quicker than involving nbn to come your place for installtion of  new nbn box.



Level 2

Thanks for the reply as you can appreciate I have already asked them to be told NBN Has never been installed in the place even though it clearly has. I have just been contacted by NBN who will be out next Tuesday to complete the install so hopefully then we will get it sorted.