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I've just connected to NBN FTTN 50 plan last week and so far I'm only getting download speed 28Mbps at max.
Below is the link of my speed test:
Is there a way to improve the internet speed by any chance?
Much appreciated if you could check the connection and hopefully rectify this internet speed issue.
Thank you in advance for your kind assistance.
Hi @Vinz
Welcome to TPG Community!
We've edited your post for security purpose as it has your account information.
We've tested the line and have seen that you are about 1Km away from the nearest node in your area in which greatly affected the sync speed that your modem can get through the line.
However, we'd like to look into it further if there's any chance to improve this. I'll arrange a call from our Tech team to run further tests with your help.
Please shoot me a private message with your preferred time and best number to be contacted.
How to send a PM? Click How do I private message (PM) in the community.