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Hi Basil
you do not understand.
the TV worked fine before your installation. I have tested it at a neighbours and all is fine with the TV.
when your engineer came round to install the internet/NBN they used the TV aerial inlet in the wall for their NBN. I now have no aerial socket and I need that reinstating. My propert6 has been damaged and I insist of that being fixed.
right now, I can either use the internet OR the TV - NOT both. That isn't right.
i need te engineer to come back ASAP and reinstate the aerial connection to te way it was before he damaged my property.
its TPG's responsability to fix this as you changed the socket.
is that easier to understand?
As advised, the case has been raised with NBN Co and your case manager tried to call you to no avail.
Do you have any preferred time for them to try again?
I am not sure where you say they have tried to call me 'with no avail'. I in fact spoke to the NBN team Sunday who assured me that the case manager, Floyd, would be calling me Monday or Tuesday. As in true TPG style, it's now nearly midnight Tuesday and no contact at all from Floyd - who I suspect doesn't actually exist and is just another TPG stalling tactic.
all I want is the engineer to come back and repair/reinstate the property they damaged ie the aerial wall socket. You had no right to damage my property and you are obliged to repair it.
Hi @Jackiesmi2019,
My apologies that the issue remains to be resolved still by NBNCo. We'll have our Provisioning Team reach out to you today before 1PM NSW to discuss the progress of the case.
Hi @Jackiesmi2019,
One of our Provisioning Case Manager tried to contact you earlier today unfortunately no avail. The new installation appointment is set on Wednesday, 08 January 2020, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM.
Further updates will be provided by our Provisioning Team and let us know how it will go.
i have now arranged to have the NBN fault fixed by a private contractor. So please cancel the visit from your technician tomorrow - don't want them causing it to go wrong again!
so all I now need is a refund of the 2 months internet fee for a 'service' I haven't been receiving.
please action that ASAP
Hi @Jackiesmi2019,
The assigned Complaints Resolution Case Manager tried to contact you last friday, 3rd of January unfortunately no avail. We will pass this on to them for additional reference if you need urgent feedback you may also reach them via return email.
Can you please ask them to call me again?
what e mail should I use to contact them directly?
We'll have them call you within the day using the contact number associated with the account.
You can use the e-mail address associated with your account and you may reply to their email directly.
Hi @Jackiesmi2019,
We've seen that one of our Provisioning Case Manager has been in contact with you and provided the installation update. Additional information was also sent via email. Let us know should you require further assistance.