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No HFC connection box in premise

Level 2



I have just signed up for NBN 100 plan (HFC) at my home, but I find that there is no NBN connection box (only NBN utility box installed). Is it possible for the technician to bring along the HFC connection box when he comes to setup the internet?




Not applicable

Hi @ianlamhk1,


Welcome to TPG Community!


We have located the account using your community details. We can see that your service is classified by NBN Co. as service class 23, which means that the lead in and internal cables are in place, but there's no NBN connection box.


We can see that the installation of your NBN HFC service has been confirmed and the schedule was sent to the email address we have on file. An NBN technician has been booked and the technician will bring the NBN connection box to install it inside the premises.


Once the equipment is installed, you will receive a notification via email regarding the activation of the service. You need to make sure that the modem is properly setup as well and you can refer to this guide:

NBN Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (NBN HFC) Setup Guide


Should you require further assistance, feel free to message us. Cheers!