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The NBN HFC order halt & what it means for you

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The NBN HFC order halt & what it means for you


On 27 November, NBN Co announced that from 11 December it will not be accepting new orders for NBN hybrid fibre co-axial (HFC) services for the next 6-9 months.


We’ve put together some FAQs to help our Community understand any impact this announcement has for you.


What is NBN HFC? How do I know if this is the NBN technology at my address?


The National Broadband Network is being rolled out using a number of different technologies, known as the “Multi Technology Mix”. For more information, visit  


NBN HFC is the NBN technology type affected by this announcement. The HFC network uses the Pay TV cables to deliver the NBN service. To find out what NBN technology has been rolled out at your address, visit


What impact does this have on me?


If you wish to order an NBN HFC service from TPG (i.e. new customer signups, existing customers changing plan from TPG DSL to TPG NBN HFC, or existing customers moving home to an NBN HFC location):


  • TPG must get your NBN HFC order to NBN Co by 11:59pm on 10 December
  • TPG will be unable to accept any NBN HFC orders by telephone or via our website after this time
  • Orders and Pre-Orders for other NBN technologies (FTTN/FTTB/FTTB/Fixed Wireless) will continue to be accepted as normal


If you have already ordered an NBN HFC service from TPG prior to 11 December:


  • If your order is already in progress with NBN Co (whether or not the install has been completed) your order will progress as usual. Keep up to date with the installation progress at


 If you have Pre-Ordered an NBN HFC service with TPG:


  • Unfortunately, if you Pre-Ordered an NBN HFC service at an address with an NBN Ready For Service date (i.e. the date NBN is first rolling out to the area) of after 11 December, we will be unable to progress your order due to the NBN HFC order halt
  • TPG will be contacting all affected customers to explain the delay and offer alternatives
  • TPG continues to accept Pre-Orders for all other NBN technology types (NBN FTTN/FTTB/FTTP/Wireless) as usual up to 6 months prior to the Ready For Service date.


If you already have an active/connected NBN HFC service with TPG:


  • There is no impact on your active/connected service as a result of the NBN HFC order halt
  • You will still be able to upgrade or downgrade the speed plan of your TPG NBN HFC service as usual
  • If you are experiencing any difficulties with your service, please contact TPG Technical Support on 131423 (option 2) for support


If you are in an NBN HFC designated area which is planned for copper disconnection (i.e. you have been notified that the legacy copper broadband and landline services will be disconnected on a specific date):


  • No copper disconnections will occur in areas where NBN Co will stop accepting HFC orders
  • Your existing TPG service will continue to be provided and will not be disconnected
  • If you had previously been notified about an upcoming copper disconnection at your location, TPG will be contacting you soon to explain the copper disconnection date will be delayed as a result of the NBN HFC order halt
  • Copper disconnections for customers in NBN FTTN/FTTB/FTTB/Fixed Wireless rollout areas will occur as planned.


What work will NBN do during this 6-9 month period?


For more information see the NBN Co announcement at


What services will be available to me during the time that NBN HFC orders won't be accepted?


There is no change to existing (non-NBN) broadband services such as TPG ADSL, ADSL2+ and TPG FTTB. TPG will continue to provide and sell these services. There is no change to NBN HFC services which are connected before 11 December and no impact at all on non-HFC NBN services like FTTN/FTTB/FTTP/Fixed Wireless.


We'll update this post as more updates become available. If you have any questions about the NBN HFC order halt or how it affects you, please don't hesitate to ask in this thread.