Wrong address

Level 2

I have recently moved into a brand-new home and the NBN hasn’t worked from day 1.

For the first 7 days, I was on the phone to TPG to try and trouble shoot and going through the same steps every day only to realise on day 7 that my address has the wrong lot number on it. I have sent through the documents to prove that I live there and TPG keep telling me they will follow this up with NBN but I have heard nothing back.

Day 10 I call up only to be told that my case was closed and that the issue was sorted. I was not notified of this and the issue was not solved as I still was unable to use the internet. So once again I was told they would follow this up with NBN. Fast forward to day 13 I still have no internet and have once again been told they will follow this up and call me back.

I have been allocated a case manager (apparently) who never calls me back like I’m advised and who is never available when I call.

I understand this isn’t TPG's fault to begin with but I am so frustrated with the entire process and lack of communication. I am paying for a service that I cannot use.

Has anyone else experienced this ? How do I get this issue sorted??





Hi @codiestamford


We'd like to have a better understanding of the situation and see what we can do to expedite the resolution of this case.


Kindly send me a PM with your TPG username or customer ID number.

