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Can’t activate mobile

Level 2
I ordered sim only, I wanted to keep my old mobile number. You sent out the sim, then I found out it could take 10 days to arrive. I called you back and was told I could just go with a random mobile number instead when sim arrives, but I can’t. Activation is locked to my old mobile number. I canceled that number because I didn’t want to get charged another month. I can’t login here with mobile user name guess it’s because it’s not activated. Will have to contact me through my internet account as I don’t have a working mobile number

Hi, @iceman3.


For Number porting, we highly suggest not to cancel your Mobile service with your current provider – the number needs to be active with your current provider at the time of transfer. Once the transfer is complete, your old service will automatically be disconnected. You’ll be able to continue using your existing service during the transfer process.


Once you PM us with your account details, we’ll be able to look at what needs to be done to get your mobile online.


Here is how to send a PM.