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Cannot make or receive mobie call in certain area.

Level 2

Hi, I lived in Sydney.   I noticed that my mobile could not make or receive call in certain area.   A few days ago, I experienced the issue in Luxford Road in Shalvey.  I do not have problem make or receive calls in area around my home at Kellyville.  In Dec when I travelled to Brisbane, I could make calls in Brisbance but I could not make or receive call at Tin Can Bay area.   In all cases, I can still access mobile data.   But people cannot call me and I cannot call them.


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Not applicable

Welcome to the community, kkli1997.

Thanks for raising this to us, what troubleshooting have you performed so far? We did an article that will guide you basic troubleshooting to fix incoming and outgoing calls, lets give this a try and let see how it will go.

Troubleshooting issues with Incoming/Outgoing Calls on TPG Mobile


In the event that the issue still persists, send us your details (Customer ID and Mobile number also include the service address on file).

How do I private message (PM) in the community





Hi, I lived in Sydney.   I noticed that my mobile could not make or receive call in certain area.   A few days ago, I experienced the issue in Luxford Road in Shalvey.  I do not have problem make or receive calls in area around my home at Kellyville.  In Dec when I travelled to Brisbane, I could make calls in Brisbance but I could not make or receive call at Tin Can Bay area.   In all cases, I can still access mobile data.   But people cannot call me and I cannot call them.


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