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Level 2
Rang contact centre to be told high call demand and call would be returned within day. Issue is mobile data not active. Not pleased as this annoying as need data on phone. Hope won't reoccur; TPG should allocate more staff to tech support to avoid this issue in future.
Not applicable

Hi @sera2775,


Welcome to TPG Community!


We apologise for the inconvenience this has caused you.


We have located the account using your FB name and we can see that your issue has been escalated to our Mobile Team.


We will make a follow up and will ensure that a specialist will be in touch as soon as new updates become available.


Should you have further queries, feel free to drop us a message. Thank you.

Not applicable

Hi @sera2775, as per checking, the issue has been resolved and your service should be working now.


Feel free to drop us a message should you need any assistance. Thank you