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How to activate the Sim Card which is applied by my husband under his account

Level 2



My husband already has a sim card and he also applied one for me. We have only one TPG account under his name. He got a letter with a sim card, the letter shows the sim card's number is my mobile number, and this card has a sim number and customer ID. 


So, can I activate the card in his TPG account?  If so, I cannot find " Get Started" button. I guess it is because he already has his own sim card started.


Can I activate the card via my own TPG account?  but the problem is I never have an account before. Do I login by the customer ID you send to me and reset a password?


One more problem, I insert the new sim card before I activate it. I find the mobile number is different from my original number which is shown in the letter.  Is it because I don't activate it ? or you send a wrong one to me ?


Hi @rachel1988


Welcome to TPG Community. Please shoot us a PM with your TPG customer ID together with your mobile so we can help check the status of the sim activation. 


How do I private message (PM) in the community


