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Poor Mobile service

Level 2

Last week I was attempting to sign into my email while on mobile data and I was not able to connect after trying for around 20mins. During that time I received a SMS saying I had exceeded 50% data usage, followed by a few mins later another message I had exceeded max data usage and my service was barred. When I checked my account usage at home, it appears over the 20mins when I was unable to access any internet, over 2GB data was recorded to be used.


I called TPG to ask about the issue and they were not able to help me but said would investigate my account and contact me again in 1-2 working days. It took a week to hear back a reply which TPG just said the account usage was legitamate from their end so they could do nothing for me. 


I am very disappointed in both the mobile service I received from TPG where so much data was drained in an unexplained manner and also the poor customer service in taking so long to respond, only to not be able to resolve the issue. 


Hi @Andy_1234,


Welcome to TPG Community!


We were able to locate your account and reviewed the investigation along with your usage and all is valid.


Our system always provides an accurate result in regards to the data usages of our customers. It is possible that there's a background application which was running on the phone while you were trying to login to your account or else an application is automatically updated.


Here's a community link with  "Tips to minimise your mobile data usage".


Kind regards,
