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SIM card not received

Level 2

Hi, I ordered the $10 monthly plan for 6 months then $20 after that with 6GB of data and I also asked for a new SIM card. I have received the welcome letter and I just received another email saying that I should have received my SIM card which was shipped on 12/11/2020 and today its 20/11/2020 but I still haven’t received anything. Could you please help? It’s really urgent and I need that SIM card for work purposes. I also received an email that has the recipient of my payment for the SIM card and it also has my address on it which is correct.

Not applicable

Hi @Mustafa72 ,


Welcome to the community!


We're sad to know that you have not yet received the SIM card, we're able to locate the account using your community details. Please shoot me a Private message with your alternate contact number and preferred time, we'll have one of our Mobile Specialists contact you.


For reference: How do I private message (PM) in the community 

