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Access to my own TPG Community item prevented.

Level 4

I wish to acccess my own post that I have made on the TPG Community at

I am being prevented from doing so because of a message saying that I do not have the neccessary permission. This is very strange! 
This is my own post and I wish to review it and improve it. Have I been blackbanned. If so please let me know. If not please change the permissions on the entry to allow me, the author to read and ammend it. 

Is it simply that I have exposed a TPG practice that TPG have censored he item to all viewers because they would rather it not be made known to their own, and to potential new customers?
The relevant post is here... Access Denied - TPG Community



Hi @Jeff1949


We've hidden your initial post due to breach in our Community Guidelines. Moreover, your case is being attended by our complaints team. You may contact them directly at along with your Chariot email address. 


Thank you!

Level 3
Unfortunately Jeff, TPGs next phase of assistance will be to ban you from posting, if they havnt already.