
Level 2
What’s the point of this tpg community?? There’s a million & one issues and then most of the solutions are performed in private messages so the community can’t really rely on searching here (in the Tpg community) for should be called tpg fault report support


Hi there             

 Welcome to the community,


Given this enviroment and the current unprecedented times we are in at the moment it does somewhat alter our normal way of how we give support and provide you with our desired level of service,  sometimes it can also depends on what the customers issue actually is and most times we do need to ask you some personal/privacy questions to confirm your identity and account information for your safety and make sure its really you. 


Rest assured we are working hard to solve any concerns or problems you have, please let me know what i can help you with?


Or you could send me a PM (private message) with your CID (customer identication number) or your mobile phone number so can look at this service for you Smiley Happy



Kind regards