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Email on Samsung S10

Not applicable

Hi @pelli69,


Our postmaster confirmed that there is no issue with our TPG email, the advise to perform a full scan on your smart phone and change password of the TPG email.


Let us know how it will go,






Yes - just says Couldn't send email and to try again. Keep trying but no email ever sends

Level 3

Full scan performed and no issues.


So why can I receive emails but not send them?

Level 3

I have exactly the same issues on my Samsung S20 and I get exactly the same error message,

There is definatly something wrong with the TPG mail system as my phone sends Gmail just finf and I can also acces my TPG mail on the TPG post Office server, Please investiage further and try to get hold of an S20 and try it 

Not applicable

Hi @Peterdb,


What is the outgoing server of your email? Also when sending email are you connected to TPG's network? In the event that the phone is connected to Wi-Fi or Mobile data from different Internet Service Provider, you need to set up their provided outgoing mail server on the email client to send emails.





I have exactly the same issues on my Samsung S20 and I get exactly the same error message,

There is definatly something wrong with the TPG mail system as my phone sends Gmail just finf and I can also acces my TPG mail on the TPG post Office server, Please investiage further and try to get hold of an S20 and try it 

Level 3

Hi Shane my outgoing server is 

security type :  none

port:  25

Requires Authentication to send :  yes

I am connected to TPG.

Hope this helps



Hi @Peterdb . Could you post a screenshot of your S20 showing the error message.

Level 3

That is the only information it shows ? That is the only information it shows ?

Not applicable

Thanks for the confirmation and additional details, @Peterdb.


To get real-time update and resolution, we recommend to raise this directly to our postmaster by sending email to

Please include the screenshot of the error message.





Hi Shane my outgoing server is

security type :  none

port:  25

Requires Authentication to send :  yes

I am connected to TPG.

Hope this helps


Level 3

I sent a message to the Postmaster as requested 

Thanks Shane

Level 2

Hi Gents,

I'm having the exact same issue on a Samsung S21 using the Samsung email app. Any feedback on the issue will be greatly appreciated.

