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Emails to me bouncing

Level 2
Level 2

Hi people, I have been waiting fot TPG to call me no avail. Several people have contacted me by phone in the last few days saying they are getting bounce/message delivery failure to my TPG email. Yes i have checked spam and junk etc. It is happening to people who I have been in email correspondance with and to people who are emailing me to for the first time. Any clues on how to fix this or is this a PostMaster thing?


Hi @mio . Can you find out from some of these people the exact error message they are getting? Also, date and time and sender. Send info to 

For interest, could you post back here just the error messages those people are getting.

Level 2

I am seeing the same thing for two people who I regularly send emails to their tpg mailboxes. They starting bouncing last Friday Oct 29. This is continuing today (Tuesday Nov 2). 


Not applicable

Hi @paulbrooke,


I agree with @david64's advise, it is best to raise this directly to our postmaster to get real-time update and assessment. Smiley Happy





I am seeing the same thing for two people who I regularly send emails to their tpg mailboxes. They starting bouncing last Friday Oct 29. This is continuing today (Tuesday Nov 2). 


Level 2

Hi Shane,

Good idea. That's what I did. Not successful.  I've lost interest, but it does seem like something TPG might want to fix.


Not applicable

Hi @paulbrooke,


Send me your account details (Username/Customer ID together with the address on file) also include your complete e-mail address, I will raise this to our postmaster.


How do I private message (PM) in the community





Hi Shane,

Good idea. That's what I did. Not successful.  I've lost interest, but it does seem like something TPG might want to fix.
