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POP3 email max size of attachments reduced recently?

Level 2

The max size of email attachments appears to have been reduced recently.

A friend has been sending emails to a large group during the pandemic and he has advised that TPG is rejectiong ones with attachments larger than 20MB. He assures me that such emails were getting through OK until recently. He advised the following are being affected: "Seems to me you are getting a degraded service for some reason.  I have approximately 170 Gerries on my list; there were 5 being impacted previously (2 Internode users and 3 IPrimus users).  There are 6 of you who are TPG users who are now being impacted"


Any info re this?

Not applicable

Hi @BruceSC, please send us a private message with your TPG customer ID, username and complete address so we can pull up the account and help get to the bottom of this.


Please also include the email address you are having issue with.


To send a PM, please refer to this link: How do I private message (PM) in the community

Level 2

Incoming emails appear to be getting nocked back even when their attachments are less then the 20MB limit we are supposed to be alloted. A friend has advised that he is getting a lot of "message size exceeds limit' failures on emails (with attachment size less than 20MB) he sends to TPG, IiNet, and Oz email addresses.


Today I tried to send some attachments from my Yahoo email to my TPG email and found the following:

A 19MB attachment was rejected: 552: #5.3.4 message size exceeds limit

A 18.2MB attachment was rejected: 552: #5.3.4 message size exceeds limit

A 14MB attachment came through OK.


Hi @BruceSC


We have not reduced the capacity or the limit of the file size. 


I would recommend sending an email directly to our PostMaster at


Please ensure to include your username and the email address(es) you're having issues with. 



