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Still no email


Sorry about that, @ummtpl. This is now being looked into and we'll message you again for updates on the email service restoration. Apologies for the inconvenience. 

Level 3


TPG webmail aka 'post office' is still flaky for me however my various email clients (Thunderbird, Windows 11 Mail app on PC/Laptop and Android Mail app on Realme 6) have all worked thru this entire fiasco since yesterday, albeit somewhat delayed at times. The webmail still is annoyingly unresponsive at times when access is attempted directly via a web browser, however email clients should doggedly attempt to connect until they succeed which is why i suggested yesterday to use one for access. Whether it's because of email clients having some server priority or their persistance in logon attempts they can and do retrieve and sent emails successfully.


Perhaps your problems are due to incorrect initial setup, sometimes the software/app auto setup functions just don't work and you need to enter the info manually for TPG's POP3/IMAP email: Email Settings | TPG Support

Level 2

I am REALLY suprised they (TPG) are not getting more complaints about this....


and its a worry when you see some of my Email Aliases not there,


But I will wait and see if its resoved Smiley Happy

Level 3

Thanks heaps for the update and support on this...Yeah I went back and tried the set up again from the settings were correct but tried them again just in case, but not luck...will wait it out a little longer and let see, it might resolve...Thanks though for your tips..much appreciated.

Level 3

when I just try logging into the web page of "My Post Office", It thinks for a while and then defaults to "" but I can log into "My Account" successfully


Level 3


I think the only reason they aren't being absolutely inundated with complaints is because many ppl use email clients on their devices and never even try to access webmail. So any problems are largely going unnoticed by users.


I do hope that this isn't some 'thin edge of the wedge' process related to TPG no longer including email services for new customers which is going to eventually spread to existing customers. The longer their email server access problems persist the more likely myself and others might suspect they want to get rid of email services eventually given that no new addresses are being given out, not even new aliases for existing customers.


Posting something by Management to the effect that they guarantee to maintain existing email services ongoing would be helpful. If not, why not?

Level 3

Woohooooo....I am very happy to report that I can now log into my email successfully as of 5th July 2023 1.30pm... Many thanks for your efforts. I can access it from all devices...


Hi @ummtpl


Glad to know that you are now able to use your TPG email via post office log in. 


Cheers! Smiley Happy