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TPG TO TPG emails not working

Level 3

There is a problem that has been going on with the TGP emails for around 2 weeks now in which a customer with a TGP account email can not send and or receive from another TGP account email. both parties can not respond and or send emails to each other.


Can you please look into this?

Also when you go to the TPG home email page no messages appear on anyone's TGP post office email page! The email system seems to be going downhill in the past 12 months. Not good as I need emails from other TPG customers and I can't send them or get anything from them. When they send me something the same thing happens!



Not applicable

Hi @freezer101,

Are you using an Email Client or TPG post office? If Email Client, can we test to send an email using TPG post office and see what it will do.

Can you send or post a screenshot of the Email Inbox when logged in showing no messages/email.



TPG TO TPG emails not working

There is a problem that has been going on with the TGP emails for around 2 weeks now in which a customer with a TGP account email can not send and or receive from another TGP account email. both parties can not respond and or send emails to each other.


Can you please look into this?

Also when you go to the TPG home email page no messages appear on anyone's TGP post office email page! The email system seems to be going downhill in the past 12 months. Not good as I need emails from other TPG customers and I can't send them or get anything from them. When they send me something the same thing happens!



Level 3

Furthermore, my TPG customers are not getting emails via their phones either. I can get their emails but they don't get mine?

Not applicable

We will include this to the investigation, please post the screenshot of the TPG post office inbox showing no messages.



Furthermore, my TPG customers are not getting emails via their phones either. I can get their emails but they don't get mine?

Level 3

Sending you a screenshot is hard as I get emails from others not associated with TPG accounts.

However, Lately, I just found out today that other ppl I have sent to this week have NOT received my emails at all. All last week ppl I sent emails to have been hit or miss receiving them, most have not got the emails I have sent. On weekdays around midnight without fail, I get an error message that the email system is down. It comes up as an orange box which I will take a screenshot of next time I get it.


I use the OE Classic Pro email system and I'm starting to wonder if it is that system I use that is the problem?

This problem is sporadic. One week it works great, then problems!




Hi @freezer101


The Emails that you sent out, is it shown on your Sent Item box?

If yes, did you advise the recipient to check their Spam/Junk inbox if your emails were directed to it?


To clear a possible mail client issue, you may download a new mail client like Outlook and see if the issue will occur.


Let us know how it goes.


Level 2

Lately, I can receive emails but cannot send. It appears that other users have similar problems.


Shane is dealing with my issue. Email was working on Sunday but now I am back to where it was. I can receive emails but cannnot send or forward any.


Is this not a problem which needs to be fixed by TPG rather than asking users to tinker with their emails? 





Not applicable

Hi Tony,

This has been raised to our Postmaster for investigation and we are awaiting updates, we will give you a feedback as soon as it becomes available. 


Lately, I can receive emails but cannot send. It appears that other users have similar problems.


Shane is dealing with my issue. Email was working on Sunday but now I am back to where it was. I can receive emails but cannnot send or forward any.


Is this not a problem which needs to be fixed by TPG rather than asking users to tinker with their emails? 





Level 3

Yes, thank you, Tony!

It's been happening for around 6 months now!

My brother and sister-in-law both have TPG accounts and they have this problem as well. 3 months ago I had emails sent to me,  delivered into my home box and TGP box 10 hours 24 hours late. You could see this through the time stamp. Someone would send me an email on say, 10 pm the 23rd of the month and I would have my computer on all day then the mail would pop at 7 pm on the 24th the following day!


I'm still not getting out to ppl. Ppl are not getting to me. My brother is having the same thing problem with his email TPG account and it's been going on since last xmas.


You feel like an idiot contacting your ppl all the time. 

If it's not fixed I might have to change providers over a stupid email problem!





Hi @freezer101


We need some samples or screenshots of the emails that you did not receive, or delayed.

It should include the date and time stamp as it will help our Post Masters investigation.


Shoot it via PM for us to raise it further.

