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TPG techops no response

Level 2


I have a currently open ticket #11311362. The message stated to email, or reply to the SMS to contact. I have done both; both of which has yet to respond. I have called in multiple times, and even spoken to the engineering team; either of which always states that a call-back within 24 hours and a ticket will be open about our issue. The last time the technician came, they said they couldn't fix anything due to the rain, hence I am trying to schedule for the next reported non-raining day. I have already been left without a stable internet connection for 3 days, and now it doesn't work at all. The technician last time already suspected faulty nbn equipment but couldn't inspect due to adverse weather conditions. I am only trying to get a confirmation on my proposed appointment schedule day, but little to nothing is done. What can I do? Calling only gets me to this point. 

Not applicable

Hi @herb0111, we have located the account using your community details. We have made a follow up with our Engineering Team and the Case Engineer will be in touch through SMS or phone call once a new update is received. 


We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience this issue is causing you.