slow speed

Level 2

hi everyone, just wanna ask Why internet speed showing different in speed test and actual . its showing 75mbs in speed test but actual speed is 600kbs why making fool by showing fake speed. i am facing same problems from few days but its keep going worse and wrose . i am on $89.99 plan and its wrote so many good things when we search on it but actually all are fake and lie just to get coustomer and money . sorry to sayy the worse service ever had from TPG . i am tring to call them , its shows line busy , trying to contact online , shows staff busy . It called NBN , its speed is slow then 3G network .


is anyone ther who can help on this ** situtation , that will be great .


just a request to TPG staff that please stop misguide people and so that later on they will upset like me .


The speed test is in mega bits/sec. The other looks to be a Windows file download shown in kilo bytes/sec. There is more overhead doing the file transfer on your computer and in the network and server at the other end. Do you know the host name at the other end? You could do tracert to see where delays might be.


Level 2

thanks for your reply , its not only on this file its on all files its take same speed . i understand sometime network are down but not everyday . open google search engine its take 10 min to process it . i tried to do troubleshooting process follow the step from tpg page .





Sorry, can't help further. Your speed test results are fairly good.

A moderator should look at this tomorrow morning. If they don't, make a new post.

Hi there             

 Welcome to the community,


Could you please send me a PM (private message) with your CID (customer identication number) or your mobile phone number so can look at this service for you 



kind regards