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unable to contact tech help

Level 2

Last sunday my internet failed, I attempted to contact tech services on 131423 using my  tpg account mobile phone, after making contact a robot voice listed a number of options, in the past when using a land line phone I was able to follow the prompts "press 2 for tech help etc" the same prompts were offered to my mobile phone, despite 7 discusions with tpg representatives in India I am still unable to MOVE PAST THE PROMPT "PRESS 2" How does one move past this prompt? selecting 2 on the mobile does nothing the recorded prompts just keep repeating, tonight I spent 14 minutes trying to explain my predicament only to be repeatedly advised to press 2???. when I repeatedly advised the consultant my phone does not have press button, I then asked the consultant if she had a mobile handy, she had PLEASE ADVISE I then asked her to dial 131423 and follow the prompts after several tries she told me I have to use a land line! PLEASE ADVICE ACTIONS REQUIRED IF THE INTERNET GOES DOWN AGAIN,REGARDS, J Auger.

Not applicable

Hi @augerwood, we have located the account using your community details and we can see that you have been in touch with one of our technical specialists who discussed the concerns raised.


We have checked the status of your connection and it looks stable for more than a day now.


If you are having trouble contacting our support hotline (131423) whenever there's an issue with the service, you can send us a message here so we can assist you.


Nonetheless, we'd like to help get to the bottom of your concern and help you to the best of our knowledge. Can you provide us the make and model of your mobile so we can look for screenshots and provide instructions on how you can successfully dial our support hotline?