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Does Powerline Adaptors interfere with FTTB 250 GFast NTU?

Level 2

Does Powerline Adaptors interfere with FTTB 250 GFast NTU?


Getting drop out on the NTU (Going async casuing PPPOE to go down with Modem Router VX420) if high bandwidth is pulled through the powerline AV2000.


Hi @denischto . What is the model of your Gfast NTU?

What are these "high bandwidth" activities?

Does the problem occur every time you do these, or is it intermittent?

If every time, disconnect AV2000 from VX420 and connect your device directly to VX420 and retry these activities.

If intermittent, it might be fault in the external network. Does the VX420 have a System Log? Look for messages related to "PPP" and WAN at the time of the dropout.

Level 2

Adtran® 422G F.Fast NTU

Doing speed tests on the other branded router connected to the powerline, usually on the 2nd pull the VX420 PPPOE will drop out.

Speed test on VX420 wifi has no issues.