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Fttb max keep getting disconnect randomly after hours

Level 2
- always after hours for example it disconnected me twice now at around 12:30 and 12:40
- never see any reported outage on tpg status page.
- g fast modem always show 3 green light indicating nothing is WRONG.
- Either reboot g fast modem or disconnect and reconnect the phone cable will fix the issue.
- 2 times I saw disconnection at like 3-4am and I didn't bother to restart it and go to sleep, and it manage to reconnect on next morning. But normally I waited for 10+ minutes it never recover itself.
- has reported to tpg last year but they come back with 'no issue'

Anyone else have similar problem? I was on fttb 100mbps and was rock solid, now with fttb max I get 3 or 4 disconnection every week and I am so tired of it.

We're going to help get that stability back in your connection, @humbala. Send us a private message and we'll work hard to get this resolved.

Level 2

I try to send you a PM but i got this:

You have reached the limit for number of private messages that you can send for now. Please try again later.

Level 2

I have record recent disconnection, and as i expected it's always after hours. This give me the impression that someone is trying to do maintenance and hence things get disconnected.

It is fixed by either power cycle the G.Fast bridge or disconnect/reconnect the phone cable. Here is the time of outage.

28/1 12:35am
28/1 12:47am
11/2 11:10pm
13/2 12:56am
14/2 9:30pm <-- this just happen now.


Note that i hardly experience disconnection when I was on FTTB100 in the last 7+ years with you guys.


If this can't be resolved i will need someone to come to the MDF and relocate me back to FTTB100 and put me back on my old plan.


Thanks and I really appreciate your help. I have ask for a call back on coming monday at 9:30am and i would like this to be resolved.


