My plan

Level 2

Username : xxxxxx
Account Number : xxxxxx

I applied an installation of an internet the end of June and then I changed from non-contract to contract for 18 months. Yesterday, I got an email with a good news, which is installed NBN, from TPG. Today, I checked that my account was paid approximately $ 200 by TPG.

I am wondering about my plan. Could you send my plan details to email ?

If the difference of internet speeds between non-contact and contact has, I would like to change which is better. Could you explain about it to email ?

Thanks for reading my poor writing

Not applicable

Hi @choi1980,


Welcome to the community!


Our account Specialists Team sent you an email about your Account's Plan. The speed won't affect if your account is on a contract or non-contract. NBN Connection speeds will vary depends on your TPG-NBN Plan.

We did an article that will help you decide what is best NBN plan suits for you. Available here Guide to choosing the best TPG NBN Plan for you.


Tell me should you require further assistance. Cheers!