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I have the NBN FTTC SL Bundle Fast installed on 2/05/2020 c/w landline connection and the retention of the previous landline number provided by Optus. When is it the right time to cancel my previous provider service in order that it will not affect any of my current installation of NBN with TPG. I tried to cancel the service on the same the installation was complete and Optus caustioned me that if I cancel the service then everything will be cancelled and terminated and will not be recovered and they asked me to wail until TPG notifiy them of the transfer of service. What will be the time required for TPG to do the transfer and how will TPG notify me of the transfer?
Hello Tinchung49,
Thank you for being a part of the TPG Community.
I suggest you wait until your TPG connection is completed and your current telephone number has successfully been ported (transferred) to your TPG service and tested for incoming/outgoing calls. At present due to Covid-19 restrictions this may take a bit longer.
I hope that helps.