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Cannot connect to wifi on any device

Level 2
None of our devices in the house can connect to our modem, its been a couple days now. Mobile phones, laptops and smart TV.
Modem is working as usual, all green lights as usual, we have tried turning everything off and on, resetting the modem, turning devices on and off. Nothing seems to work.

Thank you

Is the Internet light on the wifi router still on? 

Do you have a computer connected by cable? Can it access the internet?

What about the Wifi or 2.4G/5G lights?

Do your wifi devices detect the router's network?

Does the router have a Wifi button on it? What model router is it?


Level 2
Hi David,
Thank you for your reply, ended up fixing the issue but now we have a separate issue with the tv breaking 🤷‍♀️ All good internet wise though, thanks again!