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Level 2

Why won`t TPG give some Customer service , They blame virus

They won`t respond , Won`t let you phone ( Put on Some Staff , Stop Passing the buck ! 

Won`t reply to any of my 5 emails

tried 4 phone calls

2 days in the chat line - Waited 1.5 Hours next day 50 min` and gave up

They send you to the never ending Chat line up

or just put you on hold Pretty crappy stuff

Level 2

If these Telcos TPG !!! accept our money we act in good fait , pay on time but when it comes to a little customer service tha are noweher to be found , I`m considering stoppin bank payment method / remove the accout that I pay from , at a fee for non payment , I will not pay I will take them to the Small claims court also give all info th Consumer Affairs and the Ombudsman ,

Level 2

I want to cancel my TPG NBN plan. Could you please assist send email how to  , I have tried multi Phone Attempts - Emails - and spent hours waiting on the endless chat , Please help me to cancel and close , Thanks

Level 2

What can we do when they just ignore us ? I need to contact the Accounts Team and Email - Phone just go round in ever decreasing circles no Result , They just do NOthing !! I`m sure that they are still collecting my Paymennt , Which I can not stop can`t get onto Them

They send you to chat an endless wait and never a result

Level 2

For your own sanity go to another Provider , most of them are Quit happy to Assist , even with the Virus - Slo Down

TPG is Speed Slo` drop out`s  Yuk !! not good plans and they do not answer or give assist when you need it , I do not Know how you can speak to them , Comming to TPG Was a Fatal mistake for me worste move EVER !!

Not applicable

Hi @iange426,


Welcome to the community!


We're sorry to know about the difficulty reaching our support centre. Due to precautionary measures to protect our staff from the COVID-19 outbreak, TPG’s telephone support team members are transitioning to working from home. We appreciate your patience as you may experience longer wait times.TPG customer support channels during COVID-19 outbreak


We stand firm with our commitment to provide support to our customer while keeping our representatives' safe.


We're able to locate your account using  your community details and we've seen that you have been in contact with one of our Account Specialists related to your account concern.

We'll take this as a complaint and raise this to one of our Complaints Resolution Case Manager they will contact you via email when assessment is done. 

Should you need further assistance, feel free to search community for help or chat with us at  and we'd be glad to assist you.
