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NBN Billing Dispute

Level 2
So I have a billing discrepancy that after a few attempts to resolve resulted in a waste of time so I brought my grievance to the forum. A TPG person replied to say the they would get an engineering person to look into it and get back to me asking for contact and preferred time details. None called and yesterday we find out we have no internet service. This is how business is done when you have a government controlled network. Now you know why the contract doesn't include a guaranteed minimum service or grade of service. If you get downtime on your internet don't expect to be compensated. Pay full price and if you don't you will be suspended and/or cancelled and apparently this is the NBNs decision. Big Brother has shown itself in its most darkest of forms. Now if this is not true, if it is TPG who has done this and not the NBN then I ask where was the follow-up where was the invstgation? If uts the NBNs doing them everyone should sit up take notice and be very concerned
Not applicable

Hi @Adslcgp3,


I responded to your initial message via PM. The billing dispute has been raised to our Engineering Team and currently under assessment, please understand that any billing adjustment is subject for approval and investigation. You will be contacted by one of our Engineers to provide more details once the investigation is done. 





So I have a billing discrepancy that after a few attempts to resolve resulted in a waste of time so I brought my grievance to the forum. A TPG person replied to say the they would get an engineering person to look into it and get back to me asking for contact and preferred time details. None called and yesterday we find out we have no internet service. This is how business is done when you have a government controlled network. Now you know why the contract doesn't include a guaranteed minimum service or grade of service. If you get downtime on your internet don't expect to be compensated. Pay full price and if you don't you will be suspended and/or cancelled and apparently this is the NBNs decision. Big Brother has shown itself in its most darkest of forms. Now if this is not true, if it is TPG who has done this and not the NBN then I ask where was the follow-up where was the invstgation? If uts the NBNs doing them everyone should sit up take notice and be very concerned