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No internet connection

Level 2
I've had no internet for at least the last 9 hours I've power cycled the modem and no change at all. I've checked for outages and can't find anything affecting my area or anywhere near me.

Hey @19892909ash, how's your connection looking now?


If you're not back online just yet, send me a PM and we'll check out what's going on.

Level 2
Nope still no internet and its a couple days off being a month now. Tpg just keeps saying they will txt me when they are sending a technician out, the first appointment the technician cancelled and i received a txt at roughly 5pm saying it was cancelled, the 2nd just no one showed up at all and no txt or anything and now TPG called last week saying they'd txt me a new appointment date and I've heard nothing since no txt for appointment NOTHING. it's getting beyond a joke at this stage, and is costing me money and clients for my small business and the fact I've had to go up to a more expensive phone plane to try and accommodate my families needs via hotspoting devices and things.