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Send me an email and tell me that someone came to install 04/09/2019. Still no network until now

Not applicable

Hi @wengqian,


We've seen that one of our Provisioning Case Manager has been in contact with you today and advised that the installation is currently held.
Telstra have informed us that there is an issue with the lead-in cable that runs from the street into your premises.

A lead-in is the cable that connects into Telstra's network from the outside of your premise going into your Network Boundary Point or Wall socket. Without a functional lead-in, we cannot provide you with a working Internet and voice service.


Please check your inbox, we've sent you a private message as additional information on how to proceed.



Level 2
hi.I found the lead-in line from the street to my home, but still no network. I feel very strange. I can use the optus network before, and I can't change it to TPG.
Level 2
HI.Can I unsubscribe my remaining 17-month contract? I plan to re-sign optus, because optus can be used before, I have no way waiting for the network.
Not applicable

Hi @wengqian,


We will pass this to our Provisioning Team handling this case and we'll have them contact you tomorrow.



Level 2
hi.I found the line where my family introduced the house from the street, but found that there was no network signal at all.
Not applicable

Hi @wengqian,


We will pass this to our Provisioning Team and advise them to contact you tomorrow.



Level 2
hi。What conditions and payment do I need to cancel my contract? I can't find someone to help me with repairs, and there is no way to wait for someone from telstra to repair.
Not applicable

Hi @wengqian, we can see that our Provisioning Team has been in touch and discussed the concerns raised.


Should you have further queries, please let us know. Thank you.

Level 2
hi.Yesterday I canceled the current contract, and today I also sent the modem back. Why does my account show a 17-month contract?
Not applicable

Hi @wengqian,


We will have our Account Specialists contact you tomorrow to discuss the details of the account contract.

